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Trail Beer Refinery

With a name that reflects Trail’s historic connection to mining, refining, and smelting, this brewery has a strong community focus.

For the 13 local business partners who joined together to open Trail’s first craft brewery, it was an obvious choice to link its name to the city’s main industry. Trail is home to one of the world’s largest lead-zinc smelting and refining complexes, which has been a major employer in the region for more than 100 years. The Trail Beer Refinery embraces that history with its decor and branding, and the local community shows its approval by keeping the 75-seat tasting room busy on a regular basis. Don’t worry, though, the locals are a friendly bunch who are happy to make room for visitors — as long as you’re up for a chat. While you swap travel stories with your new friends over some food and a Trail Ale or a Silver City Lager, maybe ask where the name of the local hockey team, the Smoke Eaters, comes from.



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