The Buchanan Lookout stands tall at 1,912 m (6,272 Ft) and offers stunning views of the Kootenay Lake, Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park, Goat Range Provincial Park and the Purcell Mountains.
100% Gravel once you’re off the highway
Located North West of Kaslo. From Kaslo head west on Hwy #31A for 11km and turn onto the Blue Ridge FSR. Keep your eyes out for the signs leading left to the Buchanan Lookout. Once on the main road follow for 11.9km (keeping right at the 7km junction) to the parking area.
Located North West of Kaslo, it was originally built in the early 1940’s, the lookout tower started as just a wooden platform. Named after a local pioneer lumberman from the 1890’s, George Owen Buchanan. Improvements were made in 1949 and turned the platform into a wooden tower. The 12km road was built and completed in 1959, making this tower easily accessible. The wooden tower was then replaced by concrete blocks and was operational as a fire lookout until 1982. In 1986 the Buchanan lookout was established as a provincial rec site to protect the area for further generations to enjoy. In the early 1990’s the lookout was once again rebuilt and a 2km lookout trail was constructed. But, by 2002 the lookout was closed for public safety and a full restoration was completed by 2012. The Buchanan Lookout now stands strong and tall for everyone to enjoy! You can climb up the stairs and walk around the catwalk taking in the views, but the tower itself is locked so you can not go inside. The tower is staged as the living quarters and office from when the tower was once used as a fire lookout.
Angry Hen Brewing
In the heart of Historic Kaslo, the angry Hen offers tasty beers with a spectacular view of Kootenays lake. Kaslo’s “Angry Hen” ferments her years of brewing experience with passion and outrage to bring you the finest of beers. Tradition mixed with innovation creates unique beers renowned for their solid
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