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Craig Luke

Erie Creek Brewing

Kootenay crafted been in a small town Brewery. An old adage says that every town should have its own brewery, and that was certainly one of the incentives behind opening Erie Creek Brewing. When Colin and Lynn Hango moved their… Read More »Erie Creek Brewing

Fisher Peak Brewing

The Heid Out serves its own craft beers produced by Fisher Peak Brewing on-site. Heidi’s Restaurant was already a popular Cranbrook establishment for years and then the Romichs chose to renovate and update the restaurant, adding a brewery to the… Read More »Fisher Peak Brewing

Angry Hen Brewing

In the heart of Historic Kaslo, the angry Hen offers tasty beers with a spectacular view of Kootenays lake. Kaslo’s “Angry Hen” ferments her years of brewing experience with passion and outrage to bring you the finest of beers. Tradition… Read More »Angry Hen Brewing