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Craig Luke

Baofeng K5 Plus

Baofeng K5 Plus Communication is key! Tired of line-of-sight helmet com systems? Lets talk about a true backcountry solution that won’t leave you cut off. The Baofeng K5 Plus is a versatile tri-band handheld transceiver designed for amateur radio operators… Read More »Baofeng K5 Plus


What is Darkwoods? Well, its 63,000 Hectares of Conservation land just outside of Nelson. It’s a MASSIVE hunk of preserved wilderness, but lucky for us, there’s still some roads that go through it. It’s also known for the tiny community… Read More »Darkwoods


What’s Bulldogish? Well, for lack of a better name, it’s the network of roads and trails that wander around the Bulldog Tunnel. Encompassing a loose circle that includes Castlegar, Christina Lake, Grand Forks and Edgewood this area has a ton… Read More »Bulldogish